Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Basil-Mint Salad

Found in all green foods, chlorophyll packs a stong nutritional punch.  Chlorophyll has an identical molecular structure as Hemoglobin (the stuff found in the blood that carries oxygen to all of our cells) But instead of Oxygen, chlorophyll carries Magnesium to support our health.

Raw Mint Tea

This simple and delicious recipe was shared by a fellow yogini, Freia Ramsey of Integral Life Healing.  You can check out Freia at
Don't wait too long to try this recipe, once we have our first frost, it may be hard to find the main ingredient.

Friday, September 18, 2009

Yoga is Therapeutic

I have had the privilege of working with hundreds of individuals since I began teaching yoga in 2001.  The one common thread that I have seen is EVERYONE has a habitual pattern of movement that impairs their biomechanics to some degree.  Over time, these imbalances can lead to injury.  Yoga works to correct these biomechanical imbalances.